Studies in Philippians: Philippians 1:1-11

By Sermons

Studies in Philippians

Digging Deeper into Philippians 1:1-11

  1. Paul is a prisoner, uncertain whether he will be put to death or be released. In spite of this he seems to live with joy and encourages the Philippians (who had trials of their own) to do the same. Survey through some of the passages and then discuss your level of joy in the midst of troubles. Philippians 1: 4, 18, 25; 2: 2, 17-18; 3: 1; 4: 1, 4, 10.
  2. Tony suggested that the theme of Philippians is Pressing on to Be Mature Followers of Christ. Look up Philippians 3: 10-15 and discuss what might be included in “pressing on” towards maturity.
  3. God is the one who works maturity in us be we are highly participatory in the process. Look up Philippians 1: 6-11 and 2: 12-16. Locate and discuss the verbs that describe God’s actions and then notice and discuss the verbs that describe our actions.

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