The Reasons for a Wrong Righteousness

By Sermons

Paul is clear in Romans 10 that it is possible to be righteous but still be an enemy of God. How is this possible? Paul uses the Nation of Israel to outline how easy it is for someone to be right and utterly wrong at the same time. The Key: Bend the Knee. Having righteousness of your own and for your self, without a submission to God and coming to salvation through His Son Jesus Christ, is no salvation at all. It’s safety without salvation. It’s not a real, able and lasting salvation, it’s a plastic one—it’s futile. Choosing Jesus and trusting in Him by grace alone through faith alone is letting go of your insignificant, sinking rescue life raft in a stormy sea and fully setting foot on the rescue ship provided for you. You need to abandon one to get on the other. Trust Jesus! Today!

Sermon Notes & Digging Deeper: