The Conversion of the Gentiles – Studies in Acts

Digging Deeper into Acts 10-11

1. Acts 10: 9-16 demonstrates that Israel’s food laws were very detailed and Peter took them very seriously. Read and discuss Deuteronomy 14: 1-21 and the ramifications of how these laws separated Israel from the surrounding nations.

2. Read Matthew 16: 13-19 and discuss how this might relate to Peter’s role with the Jews (Acts 2), the Samaritans (Acts 8), and the Gentiles all coming to faith.

3. Discuss the content of Peter’s Gospel in Acts 10: 34-43. Focus on the following three aspects.

  • Life, death, & resurrection of Jesus
  • Jesus is judge of all humanity
  • Forgiveness comes through faith in Him Should we include these in our Gospel presentations also? Is there anything else that we should present in our Gospel presentation that is not recorded here?

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